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採用 Shell Cordovan 馬臀皮革打造的 MARIO PACI 錶帶,定必令熱愛皮革的 Paneristi 愛不釋手!配上 eye-catching stitching,為經典添上時尚色彩,打破沈悶的框框。
從 1936 年二戰期間,第一支意大利海軍蛙人小隊專用,執行特別水底任務的潛水錶 — 現在普遍叫作 PANERAI RADIOMIR
9maiali 從 2009 年成立至今已經 7 個年頭,從成立伊始,專注全新/中古 Panerai 腕錶的收藏及銷售,一直是國際業界翹楚。
Starting business in 2009, 9maiali is one of the most famous dealers of global Panerai watches. And we also distributing Ennebi watches, Mario Paci straps and Horus straps. Over the years, 9maiali trades both new and pre-owned watches with professional knowledge and services, so it gains top reputation among collectors.
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